Web Toolbar by Wibiya MADZ Distribution: New ad Crail 2009 " Rafael Gomes "

lunedì 14 dicembre 2009

New ad Crail 2009 " Rafael Gomes "

Altro Ad Crail 2009 sulla rivista brasiliana http://cemporcentoskate.uol.com.br/
Rafael Gomes in " BS Smith to Fakie "
Check " El Gomes " con la 5Boro crew a New York sul suo blog.

Another Ad Crail 2009 campaign brazilian skatemag http://cemporcentoskate.uol.com.br/
Rafael Gomes " BS Smith to Fakie "
Last month, " El Gomes " spent some time in New York with 5Boro crew.
You can check some photos at Rafael's blog........


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